You are really annoying, you know that?
I'm a thirteen year old dude who loves sonic and God. I'm a frequent giver of constructive critism and love to write a wide variety of things. I'm easy to talk to and pretty layed back. If you start an argument with me you'll be up until midnight. So just
Age 28, Male
Joined on 1/24/09
You are really annoying, you know that?
why am i so annoying?i don't even know you!
Its short for Restricted
that's not what i meant....
You know what, I saw your comment on that crappy pixelated Fall Out 3 guy. I've seen your page checked around all your stuff...... My conclusion........ You are NOT 13, you obviously think that crappy peice of......... well, you may be too young to here this, but anyway, the point is you obviously don't know what good art is. You OBVIOUSLY think the smiley face you drew and have on your page is worth having it there. I'm not gonna get all worked up over this, but I was just wondering if you already new all the tings I just said. Nuf' said.
I really can't believe what you sent to me on the 7th, but I realise what I said was wrong, and I'm sorry.
tanx dude.i appreciate it.and i'm sorry i was so rude to.
What I meant was, I DON'T belive you, but I'm still sorry.
Well it must be Adult stuff in there.
It's only 14A in Canada... but R for language, some violence, some sexual themes.