suddenly mark awoke in a small cotage there was a pidgey stooped over him.he has awoken!!!cried the pidgey to no one in particular.ummmmmm.............who are you talking to?and my name is mark!mark?asked the pidgey.that isn't a poke'mon name!said the pidgey.oh!and i'm pidgey!yeah.replied mark.i figured that out.but i used to be a human but i awoke as a poke'mon after being pulled into a strange portal in my world.do you believe me?the pidgey thought for a moment.yes.he replied.i do.lots of strange things happen here.look,forming a rescue team to become an official rescuer to rescue helpless poke'mon in times of need might help you get back to your world.i could be your partener.okay!said mark.let's start tonight!later.............mark and pidgey were in the woods sitting near a campfire.they were eating some snacks pidgey had brought in his sack.i live by myself.pidgey explained.my parents disappeared when i was four.any other guardians i recieved were killed by dark strange shadows that resembled poke'mon.i'm greatful to have a gfriend again!i won't let them take you!thanks!replied mark munching a candy bar.likewise!suddenly there was rustling in the bushes.something stepped out.well,well.look who it is!gasp!
tbc (to be continued) please leave your comments and ideas!
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