Attention all Chdonga haters. This spamming, flaming, slamming, obnoxious, and genrally mean user is loved by Tom Fulp. Chdonga tells me that Tom sent him a PM saying that one of his erotic spams was VERY funny. Even if that's not true I have lost all respect for Tom. A man who welcomes spammers on his website is certainly very immature. Plus he has a son! Is he gonna' let this kid of his watch erotic movies and read erotic spam from a very young age? You are immature Tom Fulp. And I hope you are reading this. Because I'm sick of perverted jerks like you, and although i have not yet, your and Chadonga's actions make me want to leave my beloved Newgrounds. You all make it a very unenjoyable place. It's very sad how the world now embraces spammers and trolls. It's sickening. I hate it. HATE IT AS MUCH AS TWILIGHT AND ELMO!!!! This does NOT siginigfy my leaving of Newgrounds but it will not help my mother like the website either. So peace out all you NON- spamming brothers and sisters. And for all you spammers and spam lovers go die. The world don't need you and never will. ^^
And if my actions get me banned, then what the heck. I'll be back!
This is the internet son, grow up.
Like it or not, Newgrounds was originally founded upon dark humor and a lot of sex jokes. It's not a place for kids, or, shouldn't be.
I don't know where you got the idea that Newgrounds encourages spammers, just because there are spammers, doesn't mean they don't try to get rid of them. The owners of this site are very busy.
If you cannot tolerate such actions then Newgrounds is not the place for you.
Good day
Yeah, whatever. But what kind of sites moderators love spammers?